A Message from Our Chair and a Member

You are not alone!

Many of us are looking for a faith community where "family" means all of us -- gay, lesbian, heterosexual, bisexual, transgender, African-American, Anglo, Latino, Asian.....in short, a community where differences that often divide us are celebrated as part of the rich diversity of being created in God's Image, and where God's love is paired with God's justice. If you're not already part of a worshipping community where you can bring all of yourself, we invite you to visit the congregations listed on this web page. We look forward to welcoming you.

Rev. Ann J. Deibert Associate Pastor, Central Presbyterian Church
Chair, Religious Leaders for Fairness
Or leave a message at: (502) 587-6935

When I first came out -- while studying for my Master of Divinity at Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary no less -- I wondered if there would be a place where I could worship as an openly gay man and as a practicing Christian without having to sacrifice either or both. I have found that I can do both in many of the congregations listed on this web page. They have helped me grow in faith while nuturing and helping me consolidate a positive gay identity. I encourage you to come and visit one of these congregations and enjoy the blessings they have to offer us as we show them the miracles of love God is working in our lives.

Robin White
Clergy Candidate, MCC Louisville
Member, Religious Leaders for Fairness
Or leave a message at MCC: (502) 587-6225

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